Our Approach
Core Values - We believe...
All young people have gifts and talents and the ability to achieve and excel through high quality opportunities and supportive learning environments.
All young people have gifts and talents and the ability to achieve and excel through high quality opportunities and supportive learning environments.
That we along with others in the community assume responsibility for setting exemplar models and standards for youth and providing an environment that facilitates trust (building) and respect.
In supporting young people in taking responsibility for their own learning, decisions, and actions and in developing themselves emotionally and socially, including supporting their interpersonal skills and their positive peer to peer and youth to peer relationships.
In addressing the needs of our children in appropriate setting and through appropriate strategies.
In creative and artistic expression.
In supporting key partners including schools, educators, and families to support youth.
In community building through youth participation and contributions.
In our integrity and in the integrity of those we work with,
In providing 100% of our time with Hamilton Wings focusing on the needs and progressive betterment of our children’s social and emotional needs.
In inclusion across levels of ability, background, heritage, and economic status because through the arts, we are all equal and empowered.

Impacting Youths' Lives
"Now that I have joined this family I'm not as shy and I'm not afraid to be myself around other people.
I got to know a lot of people and they accept me
for who I am even though sometimes
— or should I say all the time —
[I] am very weird but they are still there for me
and will always be.
And I hope more people get a chance to join.
This is my second family. I love all of you.
Thank you guys for everything.
Now I guess I have 14 more sisters."
~ Hamilton Wings' Youth Participant